Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Beautiful days and math homework do not mix well. This combination is particularly distressing because I often find my homework interesting and (gasp) fun. However when the sun is shining and I feel drawn to gaze out the window with a cup of tea in one hand and my sketchbook in the other, nothing seems to get done, not even the sketching because I am so torn between the two. Total distraction can best describe my state at the moment, where my brain flits from one idea to another with no particular direction.
Blake also sits unread at my side, but fortunately the readings tend to be on the short side. Speaking of which, ever since I've started reading Blake I've been having the strangest dreams about walking through the woods with him, and he is telling me about lambs and tygers. Then the trees start wrapping around each other. This isn't as random as it sounds if you've ever read any of his poetry but its still a little strange.
In other news, I've signed up for a craft fair which is on Dec. 1st. I'm sort of freaking out about it because I feel unprepared. I basically have all the objects that I plan to sell (mostly photographs and a few drawings) but I need to get the photos developed and the drawings framed. This shouldn't be hard, in fact I've done this many times before, but for some reason its really eating away at me. But I'm staying clam, and refuse to back out. I'm also flirting with the idea of selling stuff on etsy, maybe not very soon but say in a few months.
The guilt of procrastination is setting in, so away I go to do math/stare out window.


Patti said...

Hi Kristina.

Found your blog while browsing. Your photos are beautiful. I love the blue sky with the clouds.

montevideana said...

Hello Kristina,

Writing a blog is like knitting a sweater: it may take up a lot of time and surely someone does it better... but that's not the point!

I hope you do enjoy writing your blog, it's so interesting to choose the words and the facts from everyday life to compose an article! I had a blog of mine for a while, and then I closed it.

Goodbye and good luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm staying clam, too.