Friday, November 23, 2007

The Road Home

Oh, how nice it is to be back again. No more airport pushing and shoving, dragging enormous bags, 'handling' strange relations, eighty degree weather, or dealing with odd bus drivers who seem intent on telling you all about how the British once ruled America and then how the settlers rebelled, as if all this were news to me. He seemed very much to expect me to gasp and say WOW really? You mean America was not founded at the beginning of time?? The fact that we had about eight other stops before mine didn't really help matters, his deep southern accent made it near impossible to help him navigate ( the GPS thingy was down). But then again thanks to all of this we went through some really beautiful back roads where there was a carpet of orange leaves on the ground and bright yellows and reds still on the trees. At one point I saw this large clearing with a lake and the forest line on the other shore, the setting sun's rays were hitting the trees and the lake in such a way that everything took on a golden hue, there was even a deer at the edge of the water (and this competed the postcard beauty of it all). So I was appeased and decided to calm myself even though a half hour of navigating was ahead of me.
I finally got back at a very decent hour even with the strange bus ride ( thank you nice man at the check -in- counter for moving me over to a better flight- I did not relish waiting five hours in the Georgia airport even with icarus to knit and a french poem to memorize). I bought myself a few goodies, like some maple tea, mint hot chocolate mix, and a movie, before I settled in for the night. So here I am cosy and warm ( with a bunch of work screaming my name ) but the important thing is that I don't have to take off my shoes again and go through the puffer ( the newest in airport security, if you've never had the pleasure imagine a glorified metal detector that blows air at you and has doors).


Jess said...

Welcome back! That's a great hue on your work! A terrific color!

Eliza said...

welcome back! Why is traveling during the holidays such a pain? where were you with those beautiful leaves? Sounds glorious.