Monday, December 3, 2007

The Wind is Windy

Its a very windy day today, and of course I have decided to wear a skirt, because you know its great to be on the verge of flashing the whole campus at any moment.
There are leaves flying about everywhere and the wind is literally howling ( I love when this happens ). I usually enjoy very bad weather, as long as I don't have to do anything or go anywhere but am safe and sound inside my house. E, also shares this love of observing the fierce elements.

Sitting in my room and watching the wind or staying up all night to look at the lightning storm gives me a feeling of warmth and security because my appreciation for a home, a warm bed, and cosy quilts is heightened and I am no longer jaded to what I have. This always reminds me of something Lucretius said,
"Sweet it is, when the wind whips the water on the great sea, to gaze from the land upon the great struggles of another, not because it is a delightful pleasure for anyone to be distressed, but because it is sweet to observe those evils which you lack yourself." (Book II, On the Nature of Things)
This passage always communicates that soft comforted feeling that one gets when seeing great turmoil and realizing that one is safe from it, free from the struggle. Many people take this as heartless, a casting away of sympathy for others, but I do not think that is Lucretius' intention. It seems he desires to communicate the joy which we feel at being safe from trouble, almost a thankfulness realized.

Hope you are safe on a shore (with lots of hot chocolate and plenty of yarn).

1 comment:

Natalie Jabbar said...

"This feeling always reminds me of something Lucretius said...."

Good grief, Kristina. =)