Thursday, December 20, 2007


Oh my so much baking, knitting and reading. First the cookies, my initial attempt to make short bread christmas cookies left me with a kitchen filled with cookie carnage, switching to a much easier sugar cookie I ended up with very nice (and tasty) results. I'm not much of a frosting person, so I will probably decorate some of them because lets face it, thats the main glory of christmas cookie making. I fear that I've already had too many, they taste too good with tea.

I really wanted to make some lavender cookies but I can't find dried lavender flowers any where. So I have to put it off, whether I like it or not. But on my hunts, I've discovered the wonder of Whole Foods (I am very glad that this store is 45 minutes away from my house because I would spend a fortune). Every time I walk in to that place the desire to cook is over-powering. Oh and the flowers, vegetables and fruit....sigh the colors and smells.
My knitting is progressing, I'm hoping to finish my lace shawl before I go up to Pennsylvania, but I think that might be a little to ambitious seeing as I have a 800 page book to finish before then. Middlemarch is slowly becoming one of my favorites, its so so beautiful. Eliot's writing is breath taking. Thats all I can say.
I'm freaking out a bit about all the people left to shop for. I wont see them until after christmas so that gives me some extra time but I'm a little nervous anyway.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

I love your cookies! We made some too and they are a little brown around the edges. I was going to frost them but now they're almost all eaten so I don't think it's worth it.

I know how you feel about cooking and the power of Whole Foods. I felt the same way when I was in college, and I must say that I put that energy to work once i graduated. I'm sure you will too! :)