Saturday, August 30, 2008


I bought a white hydrangea today on a whim and right now its peaking over my computer, making me smile with its hundreds of petals and its dark green leaves. I also ran into a black and white great dane named Duke who came up past my hip, I don't think I've ever seen a dog that big before but his owner assured me that he was just a lap dog (not on my lap!). He stretched out his tongue to lick me and I realized that it was as big as my hand! I stood there petting him for a while, fascinated at his sheer size. I would consider buying one if I ever have lots of land. These dogs almost look otherworldly.
The weather here in Maryland went from strangely cold to sticky hot, there is even a haze in the air from all the humidity. Its dark out now and a chorus of cicadas and crickets are chirping away, no stars yet just passing headlights and a vague outline of trees, there leaves still in full summer green.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

oh, I love great Danes! They are so gangley and gorgeous! Not the brightest dogs, but yes, I'd get one too if I could.