Wednesday, June 25, 2008


There is a softness all through the house today, everything seems lulled or wrapped up in an invisible down blanket. Even the air seems somehow smoother or quieter. It is an unexpected stillness after lots of rushing about and doing. And it seems I have a huge swath of time to myself which is always comforting.
I've been thinking about psychology, as it is the field I'm thinking of getting into, and wondering what purpose it serves. It, at least outwardly claims to help people, but does it? Is there too much distance between client and doctor for any sort of real connection? It also seems strange to me that one must wade through six years of what seems like psychology history to be allowed to work with people.
This seems to be the summer of big projects. Both fun and exciting but also frustrating at times.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Its June...more importantly nearing far to fast upon the end of June, which means I've been a very bad blogger. But rest assure I've been plodding along on my shetland tea shawl which still has a non-existant edge, but someday it will be finished. My internship, however, is happily drinking up all my time (not that I'm complaining or anything like that).

Its been hot here in PA so the drive to and from work is extra taxing, but the early mornings and dusk are magical. The fire files are out and twinkling all around the trees and today it seems that a thunderstorm will come in with the night. There is even a little groundhog living in the backyard, who comes out every morning and grazes among the flowers.

Its with summers like this that I feel drawn to a quiet life of painting, writing, and knitting. I want to take all the intricate plans laid out in front of me and throw them away, with one long and dramatic stroke. But it somehow does not seem right to retreat from the world so quickly and so decidedly.

Eric and I went hiking the other day around a national state park that is close to his house. The grass was high and they had a beautiful meadow (I personally love meadows and fantasize about spinning round and round in the middle of one, that or having a tea party on an old quilt while the bees buzz around me). One day I will do these things ( the day I get over my paranoia of deer ticks and lime disease ).

(found these lovely pigeons nesting in the nook of a front porch)